Just take a look at some little hands making some huge marks on paper using some bright colored crayons or paint. Watch how they furiously squeeze or mold some malleable medium such as play dough. Better yet watch, for the manipulation of diverse materials into an array of craft that presents quintessential childhood art expression. The art of craft making is a dynamic experience children may engage in to develop the skills necessary to succeed in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM). Craft kits are some of the most ideal resources to give children these meaningful experiences.
Dragos Gontariu
By allowing children to engage in craft activities you are taking a holistic approach in giving them opportunities to have aesthetic experiences, working with diverse forms / media, express feelings / emotions, build self-esteem, unearth creative thinking, solve problems, make discoveries, gain experience in design and elements such as imagery, patterns, spatial orientation and innovation. Children enjoy learning and thinking and craft activities provide the ideal opportunity for play and learning.
Benefit of Craft and Children’s Emotional Wellness
Families and parents are finding ways to thrive despite the current pandemic. The effects of lock downs and quarantine have caused children to have stress, fear and anxiety. Craft kit resources are therapeutic tools when children use them in making craft activities, they take their attention from current unpleasant situation and allow them to experience joy, fun and pleasant feelings.
Jeshoots. Com
Children are given the opportunity to tap into their intrinsic qualities and unearth their creativity. What actual happen is the brain circuitry involved in emotion regulation elicits pleasant feelings since children are relaxed and having fun. Children’s creativity is one of the most valuable resources in coping with life’s daily stresses.
Building Creative Thinking
When children engage in craft activities it becomes the product of their play rather than work. However, the brain is activity at work. The activities they engage in require cognition, memory and convergent thinking. Children are learning how to become highly creative and how to free their creative impulse to find its fullest expression. So don’t believe they are just playing around and making a mess.
Joshua Coleman
Children are taking a more expansive approach to learning through craft making. These artistic experiences are very dynamic. Children use past and current experiences to generate discoveries for further investigations and experiments. Actually, your child is making his or her mark and contributing to art, fashion and design. Just watch how children’s inventiveness in certain areas are unearthed and then blossom as they develop.
Harness STEM Awareness
It has been established that creativity is important in scientific discoveries and inventions. Employers of the 21st century are seeking individuals who are creative thinkers, problem solvers and can provide new ways of thinking and inventions. It is creativity that drives innovation and has changed the world to reflect a STEM society.
Zebbache Djoubair
Parents and families need to provide craft resources kits as part of children’s development to assist them in developing these critical skills needed for advanced STEM learning. Help your child to use his or her imagination, foster originality, test ideas, produce craft forms as an expression and feel good about the productions made.
Parental Decisions
Parents and families play important roles in the encouragement or discouragement of children’s creative expression and growth. At times because parents are unaware of the importance of developing their children’s creativity, parents try to cram a lot of facts for children to learn and hold in their heads as encyclopedias.
I hope you realize the importance of giving your child the experience in craft making and the huge advantage your child has in harnessing the requisite skills to be a competent and functional citizen of the 21st century. Parents and families decide how resourceful my child will be today and in the future, how well I am developing my child to communicate ideas, can my child freely express self through art form and is my child a creative thinker? By investing in craft kits you are investing in your child’s future. Here are some great recommendations:
Disclosure- This page contains affiliate or referral links which lead to products I may receive compensation for if you decide to click through and buy anything. I receive a small commission that helps me maintain this website. This is at no extra cost to you. The information in this post is based on research and professional experience. I am not paid for my opinions, suggestions or recommendations. I take the time to research the best resources and make them available to you. I never recommend poor-quality products or create false reviews for sales. You are free to make your own decisions when purchasing.
Craft Kit Recommendations

Smarts and Crafts Case
Smarts and craft case Hearth Song
Everything young crafters need!
Super-sturdy carrying case
Includes 1000+ classic crafting materials
Pipe cleaners, felt, sequins, pom-poms, glue, googly eyes, and much more
Just looking at the variety of shapes, colors, and materials starts fingers itching to craft!

Paint-a-Rock-Pet Kit with 3 Turtles & 3 Frogs – Craft Kit for Kids
Create a whole rock pet family with these lively, fun paintable resin rock pets
Painted rock pets add color and enchantment to gardens, landscapes, or playrooms
Set of 3 frogs and 3 turtles range in size from 1¼”–5¾”H
Colorful weather-resistant paints and paintbrush included to add cool embellishments and designs
Paint-Your-Own Rock Pets Kit. Kids can choose to keep their design and colors more traditional and natural, or think outside the lines and add cool embellishments to the frogs and turtles. There’s no limit to creativity here!
On the Go Crafts – Friendship Bracelets
From simple knots to tricky patterns, this activity set guides kids through more than 10 cool friendship bracelets!
Organized from beginner to advanced, a full-color illustrated booklet gives step-by-step instructions on each style, including variations and helpful hints.
Includes 157.5 feet of colorful string, 9.8 feet of metallic string, 6 felt charms, foam mini loom, 8 beads, and instructions
Features detailed full-color illustrations and handy tips and suggestions.
Easy to learn, easy to store, and easy to create impressive results.
Not recommended for children under 3 years.
Here are some suggestions for reading you would also be interested in:
Best Parenting Resources for STEM Awareness
The Best Outdoor Resources for Ypur Child’s Fun and STEM Learning
Know the Facts About Choosing Educational Toys For Children
Take-A- Ways
The art of craft making is a dynamic experience children may engage in to develop the skills necessary to succeed in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM). Craft kits are some of the most ideal resources to give children these meaningful experiences. By allowing children to engage in craft activities you are taking a holistic approach in giving them opportunities to have aesthetic experiences, working with diverse forms / media, express feelings / emotions, build self-esteem, unearth creative thinking.
Here are some great craft activities you can further engage your child in using material from smarts and craft case
This post was especially written for parents and families to support children’s development through craft making. I hope after reading you are better able to choose to craft resource kits to support children’s learning and development. Please feel free to leave your opinions, ideas, comments, and questions relating to this post. I am more than happy to respond to you in a timely manner.
I welcome you sharing your child’s craft experiences using these suggested resources. Thank you for stopping by and have fun engaging your children!
Tracy-Ann Morgan, PhD, JP