Welcome to Stem Education 4 Children the premier website for teachers, parents and families with interest in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics ( STEM) education. The ultimate goal of this site is to ensure that users receive factual, current and relevant information to aid children’s success now and in the future. I am Tracy -Ann Morgan-Smith founder, parent, researcher and educator with over 30 years of professional practice in education. I hold a Ph D in education with specialization in early childhood education. My research interest is within STEM education having a focus on early math development.


From an early age I enjoyed reading scientific literature and engaged in discussions with my teachers and other adults. My father kept a library which influenced my interest in research and scientific inquires. Thus, the early stage of my development cemented the platform for my academic success and that of the students I have had the distinguished opportunity to instruct and see them succeed. I spent 20 years within the classroom creating bright minds for the 21st century having critical thinking skills and intent on being innovators. Thirteen of these years were spent with students of PreK-Kindergarten and seven years with 4th-6th graders. Since 2007, I welcomed the opportunity of being a leader in education at the national level guiding policies and strategies for national development.
Such high responsibility propelled me to remain relevant and current in my field. I have had the opportunity to plan conferences, participate in webinars and global learning communities. As a Kappa Delta Pi member and I do ensure that my professional life represents the tenets of this prestigious body in education. I have visited and learned about the world’s largest education system in China, a country on the cutting edge of STEM development. I am the mother of four beautiful adult daughters who are in and or pursuing STEM related fields.


As an educator, leader, parent I do consider having a wealth of knowledge and experience to share regarding STEM education for children. As I watched my own children developed, I was equipped with the knowledge and tools to assist them at home to ensure they succeeded in school and choose career path related to STEM. This was particularly important in ensuring they are part of a 21st century workforce having the knowledge and skills to respond to the needs of the times. I offer my knowledge and experience to teachers, parents and families so that they can benefit and assist children to achieve in STEM education.

THE PURPOSE OF STEM Education 4 Children

There is increased global reliance on STEM. The challenges of the 21 century and beyond will be solved with the knowledge and tools relating to STEM. It is imperative that teachers, parents  and families have access to factual, current and relevant information regarding this field so that informed decisions can be made to ensure children’s current and future success in STEM.
The purpose of STEM Education 4 Children therefore is to present factual information, strategies, techniques and reviews relating to STEM education, tools and resources to assist children to enjoy learning and ultimately succeed .
Please feel free to leave your comments, suggestions or questions. I am more than happy to assist you.
All the best,
Tracy-Ann Morgan-Smith, Ph.D., JP

Founder & CEO STEM Education 4 Children


12 Replies to “About STEM Education 4 Children”

  1. Thank you It is my desire to reach each home to make a difference in the life of each child.

  2. Congratulations Tracy-Ann …all the best in your endeavors to enrich the lives of our children at the early childhood level.

  3. Hi Tracy … very nice and readable site. A very small point … as a 66 year old, non-educator (at least in the formal sense of education for children) I read through your About page wondering what on earth STEM stands for :-). I found it in one of your posts …

    1. Thank you Richard. The challenges of the 21st century will be solved by Science, Technology , Engineering and Math. The children of our world must be attune to and have the knowledge to function in a STEM global society.

        1. Thank you for leaving your comments. I do appreciate you asking for assistance any time. I am more than happy to do so. Cheers!!

  4. Hello Tracey – Ann thank you so much for caring about our children. Your based in the US is there STEM education in the UK?

    1. Thank you for leaving your comments. Yes STEM is a global affair . The state education system in the UK promotes STEM education and is responsible for curriculum development and implementation at all levels of the education system . There are a number of groupsin government , civil society and business leaders and advocates for STEM education in the UK. The British Science Association is one such body.

  5. What a wonderful site Tracy-Ann, full of knowledge and experience. I look forward to your guidance and assistance.

    1. Thank you for your commendation Yvonne. I am glad you have found this website to be of value. Feel free to ask questions on any matter relating to STEM education 4 children. I am more than happy to assist you. Please share with friends and families with children. Cheers and thanks for stopping by.

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